Half Adder VHDL (Dataflow style modelling)
The Half Adder circuit in Digital Electronics is used to add two 1-bit numbers and the circuit generates Sum and Carry as the outputs of this operation. The VHDL code for Half Adder circuit is written with structural modelling by using andgate and xorgate as components. VHDL Code: library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity HA_DF is Port ( A,B : in STD_LOGIC; Sum, Carry : out STD_LOGIC); end HA_DF; architecture Dataflow of HA_DF is begin Sum <= A xor B; Carry <= A and B; end Dataflow; Testbench: LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY HA_tb IS END HA_tb; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF HA_tb IS -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT HA_DF PORT( A : IN std_logic; B : IN std_logic; ...